Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This is all I could think about when he was talking about dig:

This video brought to light some very interesting ideas about using wiki-spaces both in and out of the classroom. Throughout my entire college coursework I was always told NEVER to use wikipedia as a source because of many of the reasons that the speaker presented. He makes a very valid point however when he states that text books are not always accurate either, either because of the book being an old edition or in some instances, corporate agenda.
I particularly like the idea of flat classrooms that he presented, it will make a student feel so much more empowered knowing that they are apart of the process rather than just being talked at. Calling a student a consultant, what a forward thinking idea.
This video brought to my attention the benefit that can be gained from using wiki-spaces

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Response to videos, 9-11

Both of these videos were very thought provoking and both men seemed to be very knowledgable in their particular fields.  I tend to agree more with the first video featuring David Warlick, he was able to connect on more points that I find relatable.
He brought to light the way in which students know find and utilize information.  Previously, information was an outcome, read and book-become educated.  Students now are using information as a resource now, particularly information that is so easily accessible on the internet.  This information is great and so easy to obtain, but is the information that people are accessing correct?  Is the information relevant?  Is it even appropriate?  When a person obtains a book, particularly non-fiction, the assumption is made that the information is correct.  I find the same is true for information that people find on the internet, due dilligence has to be done when researching topics to be sure that the information is correct.
The second video was also a good watch, there were several points that I liked in that as well.  I feel that the need to globalize information and education is out there, but that much like a natural resource, American values it's own education as a commodity.  "Why help someone else become smarter than us?" is a hypothetical quote that popped into my head.  If this is to truly become a global economy then there needs to be a shift in philosophy of how Americans view their countries education and their educated.  Are they here simply to serve America or to serve this new global economy?